Ok, great animation, voice acting, music, but.... What the hell????
Ok he stays a work, but that's not a reason to cry like a little baby!!!
This is great but what's the point?
Ok, great animation, voice acting, music, but.... What the hell????
Ok he stays a work, but that's not a reason to cry like a little baby!!!
This is great but what's the point?
You're NOT HUMAN!!!!
You do the animations, the drawings, the songs, the story, and put together all of those so well!!!!
Sériously, I can't wait to see the first episode 0.0'
You own a 10, even more
Real Good
Grrreat caracters, great animation, great voices... great movie!
The work payed off! Thanks for reviewing!
Never seen before!!!!
Hiliarous! Well-Animated! Random Violence! Beellliiisssiimo!
THIS is my favorite movie of my favorites movie!
Thanks for these minutes of laught!!!!
Hiliarious!!! Incredible!!!!
So simple, son short and so... hiliarous XD !!!!
THAT'S my kind of humor XD XD XD
GOes to my favs
Really cool fight... good sprites animation, good humor, good... flash!
Styley style
Pretty cool, I like the caracter design. I saw a little bit like Tim Burton (especially Jack) in that.
Who or what sung this song??
Singing Bears are misunderstandable....
Joined on 7/24/07